03 April 2009


So...I have a couple mugs in my office.

3 feedback:

Sara Campbell said...

Wow! I'd say you have just a few! ;-) It's not like you "like" coffee or anything! ;P

Really fun pictures, Miz. I'm enjoying your posts - Keep it up, my dear! :-D

P.S. Sometime (soon) I'm going to have to come visit you, your IKEA, and your office! ;o)

P.S.S I'm in a smiley face kinda mood... <(^_^)>

DF said...

How many is "a couple"? :)

Sarah said...

Hmmm...love it. You've got an eye for this kind of stuff...it's hard for me to get still lifes, but girl, you've got it!